Sunday, 13 February 2011

Allez les Blues - a win in the Aviva!

Here in the hills I watched the Ireland-France match from the magnificent Aviva Stadium in Dublin and was thrilled by the French win, if only by a few points. 

As the French captain (who plays for my team, Stade Toulousain) admitted afterwards, it may not have been the match of the year, but a win is a win, never easy against the current Irish team.

What an excellent sporting day and even if the French managed only one try (scored by Maxime Medard, another Toulouse player) it was easily the best match of the three this weekend. 

And what a year in prospect... more Six Nations matches, then up to Toulouse as we watch the continuation of the battle for the top place in the Top 14 here. 

Tickets for Cardiff in May, hoping of course that Toulouse will make it through to the Heineken Cup final. If not, I have the promise of a Leinster jersey from a pal inDublin who is convinced his team will be there. Then, after a leisurely summer here, the Rugby World Cup from New Zealand and the promise of much middle of the night feasting, as we watch the games from the far side of the world. 

Not a bad old life?

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